Support and advice for previously looked-after children's parents, guardians and schools
@AfC_VS National CSE Awareness Day is tomorrow: Tuesday 18th March. Click on the link below to access resources and events by the National Working Group: 1 week ago
@AfC_VS National CSE Awareness Day is tomorrow: Tuesday 18th March. Click on the link below to access resources and events by the National Working Group: 1 week ago
@AfC_VS Lead Governor Training for Children Looked After: Monday 24th March (18:30 - 20:30). The session will provide an overview of the remit of Virtual Schools, and how you can support CLA in your school. Sign up soon as places are limited. 3 weeks ago
@AfC_VS Dr Lisa Cherry, Trauma Informed Practice and leading ambitious change. 3 weeks ago
@AfC_VS AfC Virtual School are excited to be attending the NAVSH conference in Liverpool today. 3 weeks ago
AfC Virtual School supports the education of all children and young people looked after who come into care in the boroughs of Kingston, Richmond and Windsor & Maidenhead and all those who have been previously looked after. Every Virtual School headteacher must ensure that the educational achievement of both children looked after and previously looked-after children is seen as a priority by all those who have a responsibility for promoting their welfare.
This website offers information, guidance and signposting for adoptive parents, guardians and carers and for school staff who work with previously looked-after children. If you wish to return to the AfC Virtual School site for children looked after please use the Children looked-after button below.
91 Queens Road, Twickenham, TW1 4EU
Guildhall 2, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU
Town Hall, Saint Ives Road, Maidenhead SL6 1RF