Support and advice for previously looked-after children's parents, guardians and schools
@AfC_VS Dedicated, creative, experienced and ambitious leaders and staff from the virtual school and college are, with good reason, regarded postively by young people, schools, colleges and alternative providers for the positive impact they have on learning and wider enrichment”. 2 weeks ago
@AfC_VS “Schools particularly value the attachment awareness support and training that they receive to respond to children’s behaviour and the positive impact it has had on attendance levels”. 2 weeks ago
@AfC_VS “Children in care are supported to achieve well in education. The impressive work of the virtual school and the virtual college is reflected in the positive educational progress made by children in care”. 2 weeks ago
@AfC_VS We are extremely proud of the multi-agency work we do and the outcomes this has for our young people. This was also recognised by Ofsted… 2 weeks ago
@AfC_VS ILACS Inspection of Kingston Upon Thames, November 2024: Ofsted ‘Outstanding’. 2 weeks ago
AfC Virtual School supports the education of all children and young people looked after who come into care in the boroughs of Kingston, Richmond and Windsor & Maidenhead and all those who have been previously looked after. Every Virtual School headteacher must ensure that the educational achievement of both children looked after and previously looked-after children is seen as a priority by all those who have a responsibility for promoting their welfare.
This website offers information, guidance and signposting for adoptive parents, guardians and carers and for school staff who work with previously looked-after children. If you wish to return to the AfC Virtual School site for children looked after please use the Children looked-after button below.
91 Queens Road, Twickenham, TW1 4EU
Guildhall 2, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU
Town Hall, Saint Ives Road, Maidenhead SL6 1RF